Corpus Christi

Happy Feast of Corpus Christi!

E and I were very happy to have our husband/dada at home with us all day.  He has been working very long hours, and we have been missing him.  Something as mundane and previously laborious as a trip to Walmart after Mass is now a fun family bonding experience.  We cherish the precious moments we have him to ourselves.


I wore dress I bought from Forever 21 back when I was much closer to 21 than I am now!  E wore a precious orange seersucker dress I picked up at a rummage sale at the church where I used to work.  I love a good deal, especially on seersucker or smocking. My husband commented afterwards that he had never seen me in this dress.  For some reason, I used to think it was too short and didn’t care for it.  Now I have discovered that I enjoy wearing it and will probably break it out more this summer.(Especially when my husband actually takes the time to comment on what I’m wearing—a rarity—it means he really likes it!  Ha!)

Our priest’s homily was very good, and though I spent all of it in the narthex chasing around my 22 month old daughter, the speaker system allowed me to hear all of it and enjoy it.  I’m learning to be able to concentrate both on the homily and my child’s simultaneous hugging of holy water fonts.  I hope they would sing “One Bread, One Body,” as it was played at Communion during our wedding, but alas, it was not to be.



This afternoon our dear friend and her two children walked up the street to our house and visited with us.  They are our neighbors, our friends, and our Mass buddies.  Usually we occupy the last two pews on the right side of the church, corralling our littles and making our way through Mass one stuffed animal and Cheerio container at a time.  It feels amazing to truly be part of a community, with neighbors who are also good friends and who worship with us.  It really drove home the message in our priest’s homily that we are all one body in Christ.  When we receive the Eucharist, we not only take in Jesus, we become part of Jesus, as does our neighbors and friends.  They’re fun to share a glass of wine with, too!

We ended the day with a walk through the neighborhood, listening to Baby Girl call out for kitty cats, and admiring our newly cut lawn.  The roses are blooming like crazy!  Now it’s time for some homemade peach cobbler and ice cream.  Summer is upon us!

Linking up with Rosie at A Blog for My Mom!  Check out what the rest of the Catholic mom community wore.


5 thoughts on “Corpus Christi

  1. I’m a total sucker (ha!) for seersucker and smocking, too 🙂 You both look adorable! I’ve gotten some real gems from Forever 21, it’s amazing how long some of that stuff lasts. Love the post, thanks for linking up!


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